This is a list of I Wanna Be The Guy fangame recommendations for new players. For an introduction and a big list of community links, visit the below link!
- You will need a program to unzip zip files. A recommended free one is 7-Zip.
- Be sure to extract each game's zip into its own folder. (And do not run the exe "from within the zip.")
- The default in-game controls are Shift to jump/select, Z to shoot, R to respawn, and Escape to quit. Some games have in-game control rebinding, but for the rest you'll have to use a program like JoyToKey or Autohotkey if you want to rebind your controls.

IWBTG Remastered
I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered gives you the experience of the game that started it all, with the jank smoothed over. Be warned, it is more difficult than most other games on this page, and thus may or may not be the right first game for you, but it is a classic!
Adventure fangames are generally well-rounded, with various themed areas and bosses.
Needle fangames focus on intricate, precise platforming with spikes and various mechanics.
In avoidance fangames, you dodge pattern and random bullet barrages in sync with music.
Trap or "troll" fangames are loaded with funny and clever traps.
Puzzle fangames have, well, puzzles, combined with the standard player physics and obstacles.
These games are high-quality but also more challenging. You can attempt them after you have a bit of experience and/or want more of a challenge.
I Wanna Maker
I Wanna Maker is like Super Mario Maker but for IWBTG fangames! You can find levels of any difficulty, and make your own levels too.
Further Recommendations
This page is only a starting point; there are so many fangames out there to discover!
In addition to the list on this page, also check out these curated lists by various community members:
You can also search for games by rating, difficulty, tags, and more on Delicious Fruit:
And you can ask for more personalized recommendations in the I Wanna Community Discord:
Thanks to shign, and many others, for additional game suggestions.
Spanish translation by MásQuéÉlite
If you have any ideas for how to improve this page, such as games that could be added or removed, or any other kind of changes, please let me know! :) I'm patrick46 on Discord, and also have Twitter and Email.
Published 2017, last updated 2022